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Among several original research works, thirty-five were published in Pakistan and twenty-five appeared in scientific journals of England, France, Italy, Germany, U.S.A., Bahrain, Japan, Iran and India. Some of the papers have also been translated into Japanese, French, German and Sindhi languages.



The Archaeology of Sindh (since 1930): Updated Supplement to the Antiquities of Sind. Third Edition. Karachi: Department of Culture and Tourism, Government of Sindh: 153-208.


Ancient Cholistan: Archaeology and Architecture. Lahore: Ferozsons (Pvt.), Ltd.


PIATR: The Pakistan Institute of Archaeological Training and Research - A Comprehensive Report 1988-95. Karachi: Department of Archaeology and Museums,1995. (Co-author with Gulzar M. Khan)


The Dilmun Burial Complex at Sar: 1980-82 Excavations in Bahrain. Ministry of Information, Directorate of Archaeology and Museums, State of Bahrain.


Present State of Research on the Indus Valley Civilization. International Symposium on Mohenjodaro. Karachi: Department of Archaeology & Museums.


The Early Harappan Period in the Greater Indus Valley and Northern Balochistan (ca. 3000-2400 BC) Ph.D. Thesis. Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. (University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan, No.71-19, 263).

In preparation

Sir Aural Stein’s Survey of the Ghaggar-Hakra Region, Thar Desert 1940-42.

Research Papers

In 2000s


“Impact of urbanization around the city of Lahore and the world heritage monument of Shalamar Garden (Pakistan)”, Proceedings of ICOMOS 15th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium on “Monuments in their Setting: Conserving Cultural Heritage in Changing Townscapes and Landscapes,” Xi’an (China): World Publishing Corporation, Volume 1: 419 – 424.


Monuments at Kunya-Urgench, Turkmenistan: Comments on Preservation Policies and Procedures, Circle of Inner Asian Art, SOAS (University of London), 20: 16 – 19.


Sir Aurel Stein's Papers on the Survey of Ghaggar- Hakra River, 1940-42. In, Jarrige, C. and Lefevre, V. (eds.), South Asian Archaeology 2001. Paris: 277-280.


Landscapes, soils, and mound histories of the Upper Indus Valley, Pakistan: new insights on the Holocene environments near ancient Harappa, Journal of Archaeological Science, 31 : 777 – 797 (joint authorship with by Schuldenrein, J., Wright, R, and Khan, M. Afzal).


Evidence of Rice and Ragi at Harappa in the Context of South Asian Prehistory. In, Misra, V.N. and Kajale, M.D. (eds),Introduction of African Crops into South Asia. Pune: Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies: 73 – 78.


Resurrecting Sir Aurel Stein from the Cholistan Desert, Context, (Boston): Boston University Center for Archaeological Studies, 15 (2): 1 – 4.

2004 - In Press

Geoarchaeology of Harappa's Eastern Countryside: Observations along the buried bed of the Upper Beas River, Punjab Province, Pakiatan. In, Jarrige, C. and Lefevre, V. (eds.), South Asian Archaeology 2001, Paris (Joint authorship with Schuldenrein, J., Wright, and Khan, M.A).

In 1990s

In 1980s

In 1970s

In 1960s

Other Publications

Early Muslim Cities in Sindh and

1996 Patterns of International Trade

In addition, more than forty articles of popular interest were published in several newspapers of Pakistan, Japan, Hong Kong and Indonesia.

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